Kali-Ma Dances her Tandava on the World’s Stage: The Rise of the Dark Goddess by Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam, PhD

Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess

Kali Tandava

Blessings to all,Today, we’re collectively experiencing a Grand Fire Trine linking together Uranus Rx, Sun, Mercury, Lilith and the Moon in a potent configuration. I have written on the astrology of this here for those interested: http://wp.me/p4OUNS-3d
Lilith will also feature prominently during the Aquarius Full Moon, a few days from now. Those performing rituals to Her, or for the rise of the Feminine in general, may want to time their spiritual activities to align with the Full Moon.
This configuration energizes, charges and launches the energy of Lilith (the Suppressed/Dark Feminine) onto the World’s Stage, allowing her to emerge as a Leader, Teacher and Being in her Own Right.
The energy of Lilith in astrology corresponds to other ‘Dark Goddesses’ such as Kali-Ma, Goddess Lilith, Goddess Ereshkigal, Goddess Pele, Goddess Vajrayogini, Goddess Mariamman, Goddess Pechaiamman, Goddess Ishtar/Innana, The Morrigan, The Cailleach, Goddess…

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